webMOBI uploading excel templates into CMS

webMOBI uploading excel templates into CMS

webMOBI allows easy upload of the information via excel spreadsheet & entering the data from the CMS (Content Management System). This knowledge article describes the upload bulk information for the following -

1. Speaker
2. Agenda
3. Social Media
4. Survey
5. Audience
6. Sponsors
7. Exhibitors

Adding speaker details

In left menu click on speakers

Here we have the option to upload speaker details manually or via XL sheet.

To add manually:

Click on “New Speakers”

Enter all the speaker details:

  1. Speaker name (mandatory field)

  2. Company (mandatory field)

  3. Position (mandatory field)

  4. Facebook and LinkedIn links

  5. Speaker image(upload from local storage)

  6. Speaker details

Click on Save button.

Now user can see the newly added speaker in the speaker feature.

To Add through XLS sheet

1. Click on Upload XLS

2.Download the template

In the upload file column

Save all the speaker images in a folder and make a zip file of that. That zip file should be uploading in Upload file column

In Upload XLSX column

Upload the excel file where all the speaker details are entered.

In Excel template:

-The ID should be in increasing order

-Name and Company are mandatory fields.

-In profile, image column enter the particular speaker image name which is saved in zipfile

Adding Agenda details

Click on “Agenda” in left menu

Here the user has the option to update manually or through XLS

To add manually

Click on “New Session”

Enter all the session details

  1. Session name

  2. Duration (Should be selected between the date of events)

  3. Activity

  4. Speakers (On click user will see all the speaker names added and the user can select one or more speakers for that particular session)

  5. Location

  6. Takeaway

  7. Choose venue (Here user can choose if they have added more than one venue location in the application)

  8. Category (User has the option to create a new category)

  9. Choose file (User can upload a pdf file which is stored in local storage)

  10. Description

Click on the save button

Now user can see the added session details.

To upload through XLS

In Agenda click on “Upload XLS” option

In download template option we can download the XLS template.

In Upload File column

Save all the pdf files in a folder which needs to be uploaded for a particular agenda session and make a zip file of that.

Now upload the zip file in Upload Files option.

In Upload XLSX

In upload XLSX choose the excel file where all the agenda details is saved and click on upload.


Please see the important points to consider while updating the information in the excel spreadsheet.

  1. ID column should be in incremental order (1 2 3 ..)

  2. The topic can be alphanumeric.

  3. The category can be user-defined.

  4. The date should be in the format (yyyy-mm-dd)

  5. Start time and End time should be in the format (hh:mm), i.e., 08:30 am or 12:00 pm.

  6. Note: Start time and End time both are compulsory.

  7. Location can be user-defined

  8. Speakers: Here speaker ID should be mentioned in that particular column. For more than one speaker user can mention speaker Ids separated by the comma (like 2, 3).

  9. Note: Mentioning speaker name will not be accepted.

  10. Speaker IDs should be taken from the previously uploaded speaker               template

  11. Takeaway can be user-defined.

  12. Files column: enter the file name which needs to be uploaded for a particular session which is saved in zip file.

  13. Note: Please do not edit column headers

The user will see a successful pop-up message saying “Agenda details saved successfully.”

Now user can see all the data updated in agenda feature.

Social Media

In left menu click on “Social Media”

Here the user can update social media link manually or through XLS

Updating manually

Click on “Select your option” and select which social media link you would like to add.

Now add that particular social media link and save.

To add through XLS

Click on “Upload XLS” option and here user can download the template.

In XLS enter the social media name and social media link and upload this file by clicking on “Select file” button next to New file in the dashboard.

Now user can see all the social media links that have been updated.


The survey questions can be add manually or through excel sheet.

Adding manually

In left menu, select “Survey” feature

Click on “Add” button

Now enter the question and select the question type

1. Single choice with feedback

2. Multiple choice with feedback

3. Single choice no feedback

4. Multiple choice no feedback

5. Custom response

For adding more options select “Add more answers”

Now click on the save button. To add more survey questions click on “Add” button and continue the same procedure as mentioned above.

To add through XLS

To upload excel sheet, click on “Upload XLS”

Download the template, and enter the survey details.


Sl No. will be in incremental order

Under survey, question enter the question

Question type: Here there are 5 types which should be mentioned in numeric

1. Single choice with feedback

2. Multiple choice with feedback

3. Single choice no feedback

4. Multiple choice no feedback

5. Custom response

Survey choices are the options given to participants. Options is separated by comma “,”.

After updating data, click on “select file” next to new file and upload the excel.


1.To view attendees list on the website and mobile application. In dashboard left menu click on “Add a new feature to your menu.”

2.Add “Attendee” feature

3. Now in left menu click on “Attendee” option.

4.Now click on “Go to Attendee” button, a new tab will be opened.

5. Here the user can add attendees manually or through excel.

To add manually:

1. Click on “Add Registered Users” button and fill all the required details.

2.Mandatory Fields:

  • Email id

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

3.On click of “Add user” button pop up will ask, “would you like to send email to the user?”

4.On click of “ok” attendee will receive an email and if they are the new user, they will receive a password.

5. In this “Audience page”, we will get the list of all the registered users who are registered through the website and mobile application.

To upload through XLS:

In Audience, page download the template and fill all the attendee details like

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Company

After filling all attendee details, in the dashboard click on browse option and upload the XLS from local storage.


In left menu select “Sponsors”

Here the user has the option to update sponsor details manually as well as by uploading excel

To add manually

Click on “New Sponsor”

Here company name and website are mandatory fields.

The user also has the option to create new category using “+Category” option and also we can upload sponsor image.

After clicking on “Save” new sponsor will be added.

To upload through XLS:

To upload through xls, click on “Upload XLS” option and download the template.

In the Upload Files column:

Save all the sponsors image in a folder and make a zip file. Now upload the zip file in the upload file column.

In Upload XLSX column

Enter all the sponsor's details in excel and upload in “Upload XLSX” column.

XLSX file

In excel

1. ID will be in incremental order

2. Sponsor name and website are mandatory fields

3. Category is user defined

4. In picture column enter the image file name of particular speaker which is saved in zip


In left menu select “Exhibitors”

Here the user has the option to update Exhibitor details manually as well as by uploading excel

To add manually

To add manually click on “New Exhibitor” option

Here company name and website are mandatory fields.

For creating exhibitor login and coupon code: email id and mention of the number of users are mandatory

The user also has the option to create a new category using “+Category” option and also we can upload exhibitor image.

After clicking on “Save” new exhibitor will be added.

To upload through XLS:

To upload through excel, click on “Upload XLS” option and download the template.

In the Upload Files column:

Save all the exhibitors image in a folder and make a zip file. Now upload the zip file in upload file column.

In Upload XLSX column

Enter all the exhibitor's details in excel and upload in “Upload XLSX” column.

XLSX file

In excel

1. The ID will be in incremental order

2. Exhibitor name and website are mandatory fields

3. The category is user-defined

4. In the picture, column enter the image file name of particular exhibitor which is saved in zip

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